

A guide with great numbers: 900 tasters, 2000 selected wineries, and over 10,000 wines reviewed.
Hundreds of AIS tasters, who have in-depth knowledge of their region and every single quality wine production, contribute to the creation of Vitae. From the most representative winery to the smallest cellar in the area.

We are particularly pleased with the triple recognition of the highest award, "quattro viti," from the Guida Vitae, the wine guide of the Italian Sommelier Association AIS.

• "Aton" Pinot Noir Riserva Alto Adige DOC 2019: quattro viti
• Chardonnay Riserva Vigna "Castel Ringberg" Alto Adige DOC 2021: quattro viti
• Pinot Nero "Ludwig" 2021 Alto Adige DOC: quattro viti